Remember a loved one or honor a special occasion with a unique gift in their name!
Commemorative gifts can be made in honor of a friend or family member, in celebration of birthdays or anniversaries, or serve as a special, life-long tribute. These gifts create a legacy that lives on at Oakland’s new Visitor Center garden and provide important support to our mission.
The Foundation will send a certificate to the individual or families that are honored by your generous donation to let them know that the gift was made in their honor and we will hold a ceremonial dedication in 2025. Select from a Tribute Bench, Large Hardwood Tree or Medium Flowering/Understory Tree.
Tribute Opportunities:
Six Foot Bench with Plaque – $10,000
Donors will be recognized in the annual report and on the website. Limited opportunities.
Hardwood Tree – $5000
All the trees are 3-5” caliper and 8-10’ in height depending on the selection. They include oaks, hickories and American hornbeam. Trees will be planted in the dormant season, January to March. Please note that Oakland will guarantee the tree for two years from the plant date. Tree dedication will be mapped on our digital GIS system. Donors will also be recognized in the annual report and on the website. Limited opportunities. Trees have been selected that are native and best suited for the site.
Flowering and Understory Tree – $3000
Native flowering and understory trees, 2.- 3.5” caliper, 4-6’ in height, include the American fringe tree, Sassafras, Paw Paw and Witchhazels. Trees will be planted in the dormant season, January to March. Please note that Oakland will guarantee the tree for two years from the plant date. Tree dedication will be mapped on our digital GIS system. Donors will also be recognized in the annual report and on the website. Limited opportunities. Trees have been selected that are native and best suited for the site.