Elevate Life: Wellness and Community at Oakland Cemetery
Elevate Life is a new yoga and wellness series co-hosted at Oakland with Jess Pfeffer of Jess Pfeffer Holistic Event Planning. Each Elevate Life session is designed to offer Oakland Cemetery as a place of healing, well-being, and social connections. The series kicked off on May 16 with the first of four events: Restful Meditation + Grounding Breathwork for Mental Health with Marsha Shackelford.When reflecting upon the first Elevate Life event, Jess had this to say:
"The first Elevate Life event was magical. The weather was perfect, with both sunshine and a cool breeze, and the teachers shared meditation, breathwork, and sound healing practices with all the participants as they relaxed on the green space.It was peaceful yet stimulating. The experience reminded me of the importance of living life to the fullest and stepping outside of our comfort zones. It reminded me to not think that one thing means everything to everyone and to remember that we can think outside of the box with our own judgements and be open to new possibilities and new connections.The last 30 minutes of the event people connected, met someone new, caught up with old friends, and felt the power of peace in such a beautiful surrounding.I am so grateful for this partnership and look forward to the next three events in the Elevate Life series."Keep an eye out on our website and social media pages for the next event in the Elevate Life series!